Buggie’s Pre-K Christmas Party

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This morning when I put Buggie on her bus I told her to have fun at her Christmas party. So the look on her face when I walked into her class this morning was nothing short of priceless! I got to help them make Rudolph the red nose reindeer hats and even painted the munchkins’ little noses red like Rudolph. Watched her decorate cookies. Built a little tower out of blocks with some of them along with my lil gal. And then helped them play a game sort of like hot potato, only they passed Christmas presents. At the end of her party I asked her if she wanted to ride home with me, fully expecting, just like her brother & sissy always have, she would want to. But to the beat of her own drum she always marches and how could she possibly ride home with me and not see her fabulous bus driver? Of course her bus driver got quite the kick our of this news, so sweet!20131219-222703.jpg


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