Fall has arrived…

Okay, so for me fall arrives with my first pumpkin spice latte, which I had weeks ago and required ice. Of course this Texas heat spoke otherwise. After being stuck in bed for a few days listening to lots of raindrops on either a hospital window or my bedroom window, the weather has apparently finally brought along the lovely fall breeze and coolness just in time for the official first day of fall. I’ve been hearing about it from all of my lovelies. Sadly going stir crazy in bed for days, I have yet to experience this fantastic weather for myself and I seriously can not wait! Especially to be able to open up all of these windows! My mind has been in a whirlwind with things I plan to do as soon as I am up and running again. There is always so much to be done. And I’m pretty sure my husband & my mom are both looking forward to having me tending to this house of chaos again and giving them a much needed break! I have our Halloween party to finish planning! Invitations to be mailed. Fall deco to be made! And of course all of my other daily chaos to tend to! Part of me wants to take off out of this bed right this second. I have a tendency of doing too much too fast after a surgery or childbirth. I know I need to proceed with caution in order to not have a set back. Now if only I could convince this busy mind of mine to listen? Pinterest has entertained me a lot over these last few days when I am not accompanied by one of my monsters, Matt, or mom. I am sure this is quite the double edge sword. On one end it is entertaining me and keeping the boredom down. Then on the flip side I want to rush to my nearest craft store and start working on all of these fab ideas I am finding! Hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day on this road to recovery. Until then I will continue to be thankful for these amazing folks that are taking care of me & keeping me entertained! And of course continue to find a million other things to add to my to do list all thanks to Pinterest! 20130922-185729.jpg


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