Little is needed

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A rather uneventful day around the house on this somewhat rainy day. The saints lost their first game of the season, that was a bit of a bummer. But with a 5-1 track record I’d say they are playing pretty good this season and tonight was a close game. Two of the girls’ friends are spending a second night in a row over since they have a three day weekend. Budah had work this morning, but the rain kept him from skateboarding with friends, yay! I mean that kinda sucks. I was glad to have an afternoon with all of my monsters home for once. Our family is always so busy and having to go in what seems like ninety different directions through out the week that it’s nice to have a mellow day at home occasionally. After yesterday’s chaos and accidentally picking up Bitty twice and completely forgetting the “no lifting more than ten pounds for two weeks” rule, I am physically paying for it today. The monsters seem to be calming down for the night. Bitty & Buggie are both crashed in our room and I don’t think I am far behind them! 20131013-222824.jpg


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