Oh Holy Night

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What a fabulous day! Buggie & I took on HEB this morning after delivering Christmas gifts to all of our neighbors and our son’s work. Baked a huge variety of cookies for our monsters, Santa, three of our friend’s families, and to bring to my MIL & FIL’s this evening. Our monsters all exchanged Christmas gifts with each other before they threw on their new jammies and headed out for our Christmas Eve tradition with at my in laws. It was an interesting evening that included Budah having a horrible bloody nose and my niece accidentally depantsing Buggie while chasing her! Such an enjoyable evening. Now to get our monsters in their beds after putting out cookies & milk and spreading the reindeer food. Then a few hours of work ahead of us, but it will all be worth it come tomorrow morning!20131224-221945.jpg20131225-202145.jpg


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